We promise the second editions of the Beginning and Intermediate manuals are on their way! We know they have been out of stock for quite some time now, but we made the decision months ago that we would only re-release them once they were updated. We are excited about what will be the finished product.
This process has meant that we are completely rethinking how the manuals are structured. We are questioning everything: the order, the postures, the instructions. When we first made them in 2015 (around the time of the above photo), we were basing them on what we had learned and practiced. This is no surprise. Since then we have continued to learn and practice of course, but we also have taught extensively around the world. With this tremendous opportunity, comes insight into what questions come up no matter the city. What do people struggle with? Where does the confusion lie? What is working? The original manuals have strengths and things we think are still useful. This will all remain. Though we have refined how we conceive of the practice. This will be reflected in the second editions. The Beginning manual is turning into the "Foundations". The Intermediate will still contain those bridge practices that lie somewhere between accessible and very challenging. We are excited about this process of regrouping and refining. We often hear that it's scary to do better, or to learn a better way. We think it's exciting. As one of our teachers used to say, "This is called progress!" If you'd like to be contacted when the manuals are available, sign up here. Release dates: March/April 2023
Magan hoenig-casey
1/26/2023 05:03:36 pm
Looking to purchase both beginners and intermediate manual books when available. 💕🙏
2/22/2023 01:55:17 am
yoga is a powerful tool that can help bring balance, relaxation and clarity to all aspects of life. Not only does it offer physical health benefits, but it can also provide mental and emotional healing. Practicing yoga regularly can help create an inner sense of peace and contentment, which helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
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AUTHORSScott & Ida are Yoga Acharyas (Masters of Yoga). They are scholars as well as practitioners of yogic postures, breath control and meditation. They are the head teachers of Ghosh Yoga.
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