This list of postures is drawn from the publications of Bishnu Ghosh (BG), Buddha Bose (BB), Gouri Shankar Mukerji (GSM), Monotosh Roy (MR) and Dr. PS Das (PSD).
The postures are numbered so that we can easily tell how many there are, since that is a common point of interest. This list is not numbered in level of importance or in a practicable sequence.
The first 27 postures are agreed upon by Bishnu Ghosh, Buddha Bose & Gouri Shankar Mukerji, the three publications during Ghosh's life. After that, from 28-113 they are grouped by how many of the texts instruct the postures.
The postures are numbered so that we can easily tell how many there are, since that is a common point of interest. This list is not numbered in level of importance or in a practicable sequence.
The first 27 postures are agreed upon by Bishnu Ghosh, Buddha Bose & Gouri Shankar Mukerji, the three publications during Ghosh's life. After that, from 28-113 they are grouped by how many of the texts instruct the postures.
1. Shavasana/Mritasana (Dead Man/Corpse Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
2. Pavanamuktasana (Air Releasing Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra/Snake Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
4. Dhanurasana (Bow Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
5. Janushirasana (Head to Knee Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
6. Paschimottanasana (Stretching Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
7. Vajrasana (Firm Posture) (BB, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
8. Shashangasana (Rabbit Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
9. Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Half Matsyendra Posture aka Spinal Twist) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
10. Bhadrasana (Equilateral Triangle Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
11. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
12. Padahastasana (Foot-Hand Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
13. Baddha-Padmasana (Bound Lotus Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
14. Matsyasana (Fish Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
15. Chakrasana (Wheel Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
16. Halasana (Plow Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
17. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
18. Shirshasana (Headstand) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
19. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, PSD)
20. Akarna Dhanurasana (Bow to the Ear Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
21. Ardha-Kurmasana (Half Tortoise Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
22. Uttana Padasana (Raised Leg Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, PSD)
23. Chaturkonasana/Hasta Chaturkonasana (Square/Four Angle Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, PSD)
24. Yoga Mudra (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
25. Viparit Karani Mudra (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
26. Uddiyana (BG, BB, GSM)
27. Nauli (BG, BB, GSM, MR)
- Shavasana/Mritasana (Dead Man/Corpse Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Pavanamuktasana (Air Releasing Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Bhujangasana (Cobra/Snake Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Dhanurasana (Bow Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Janushirasana (Head to Knee Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Paschimottanasana (Stretching Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Vajrasana (Firm Posture) (BB, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Shashangasana (Rabbit Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Half Matsyendra Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Bhadrasana (Equilateral Triangle Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Gomukhasana (Cow Face Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Padahastasana (Foot-Hand Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Baddha-Padmasana (Bound Lotus Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Matsyasana (Fish Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Chakrasana (Wheel Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Halasana (Plow Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Shirshasana (Headstand) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, PSD)
- Akarna Dhanurasana (Bow to the Ear Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Ardha-Kurmasana (Half Tortoise Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Uttana Padasana (Raised Leg Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, PSD)
- Chaturkonasana/Hasta Chaturkonasana (Square/Four Angle Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, PSD)
- Yoga Mudra (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Viparit Karani Mudra (BG, BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Uddiyana (BG, BB, GSM)
- Nauli (BG, BB, GSM, MR)
- Ushtrasana (Camel Posture) (BG, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Utthita-Padmasana (Lifted Lotus Posture) (BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Eka Pada Pavanamuktasana (One Leg Air Releasing Posture) (BG, BB, GSM, PSD)
- Shalabhasana (Locust Posture) (BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Supta-Vajrasana (Reclined Firm Posture) (BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Mandukasana (Frog Posture) (BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Utkatasana (Chair Posture) (BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Mayurasana (Peacock Posture) (BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Parsva Ardha Chandrasana (Side Half Moon Posture) (BB, GSM, MR, PSD)
- Padmasana (Lotus Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Tolangulasana (Scale Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Sukhasana (Easy Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Swastikasana (Twisted Cross/Swastika Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Byaghrasana (Tiger Posture/Forearm Balance) (BB, GSM, MR)
- Brichikasana (Scorpion Posture) (BB, GSM, MR)
- Kukkutasana I (Cock Posture I) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Garbhasana (Womb Posture) (BB, GSM, MR)
- Matsyendrasana/Purna Matsyendrasana (Full Matsyendra Posture) (BB, GSM, MR)
- Karnapidasana (Ear Closing Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Virabhadrasana (Virabhadra Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Shankatasana (Crisis/Goodbye Posture) (BB, GSM, MR)
- Eka Pada Dandayamana Janushirasana (One Leg Standing Head to Knee Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Simhasana (Lion Posture) (BG, GSM, PSD)
- Urdhva Padma Shirshasana/Shirshasana, 2nd phase (Upward Lotus Headstand) (BB, GSM, MR)
- Bamanasana/Vatayanasana (Dwarf Posture) (BB, GSM, PSD)
- Hasta Brikshasana/Hastasana (Hand Tree Posture/Handstand) (BB, GSM)
- Advasana [Shavasana on the belly] (BB, PSD)
- Samasana (Equal Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Ardha-Padmasana (Half Lotus Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Karmasukhasana (Easy Work Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Maha Mudra (Great Seal) (BG, BB)
- Parbatasana (Mountain Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Kukkutasana II (Cock Posture II) (BB, GSM)
- Upavishta-Pavanamuktasana (Seated Air Releasing Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana (Separate Leg Stretching) (BB, GSM)
- Utthita Paschimottanasana/Utthita Padahastasana (Lifted Stretching Posture) (GSM, MR)
- Urdhva Padma Sarvangasana (Upward Lotus Shoulderstand) (BB, GSM)
- Baddha Sarvangasana (Bound Shoulderstand) (BB, GSM)
- Hastasana (Palmstand Posture) (BB, MR)
- Padangusthasana/Ekapadangusthasana (Toestand Posture) [Toestand on one foot] (BB, GSM)
- Tadasana/Talasana (Tree Posture) [standing with arms stretched overhead] (BB, PSD)
- Ardha Padasana/Tadasana (Half Leg Posture/Tree Posture) [stand on one leg, foot in half lotus] (BB, GSM)
- Garudasana/Garudasana, 2nd Phase (Garuda Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Hamsasana (Swan Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Lolasana/Mayurasana, 2nd phase (Peacock in Lotus) (BB, GSM)
- Tuladandasana (Balancing Stick Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Trikonasana (Triangle Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Eka Pada Shirasana (One Foot-Head Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Utthita Dwi Pada Shirasana/Utthita Kurmasana (Lifted Two Feet-Head Posture/Lifted Tortoise) (BB, GSM)
- Ardha Kurmasana II/Kurmasana, 1st phase (Half Tortoise Posture II) (BB, GSM)
- Kurmasana (Tortoise Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Yoganidrasana (Yogic Sleep Posture) (BB, GSM)
- Kakasana (Crow Posture) (GSM, PSD)
- Baddha Shirshasana/Shirshasana, 3rd phase (Bound Headstand) (BB, GSM)
- Ashwini Mudra (BG)
- Kshemasana (BB)
- Gokilasana/Kokilasana (Cuckoo Posture) (BB)
- Garudasana, 1st phase (Garuda Posture) [Legs twisted only] (BB)
- Pranasana I (Life Posture) (BB)
- Garvasana, 1st phase (Womb Posture) (BB)
- Viparita Ardha Matsyendrasana (Reversed Half Matsyendra Posture) (BB)
- Shalabhasana, 2nd phase (Locust Posture) (BB)
- Pada Hastasana, 2nd phase (Foot-Hand Posture) [stand on one leg, hold toe with opposite hand] (BB)
- Padangusthasana, 1st phase (Toestand Posture) [Vajrasana with knees lifted] (BB)
- Padangusthasana, 2nd phase (Toestand Posture) [Toestand on both feet] (BB)
- Ashtavakrasana (Eight Bends Posture) (BB)
- Siddhasana (Success Posture) (GSM)
- Angusthasana (Fingerstand Posture) (GSM)
- Bibhaktapada Padahastasana (Separate Legs Foot-Hand Posture) (GSM)
- Bibhaktapada Janushirasana (Separate Legs Head to Knee Posture) (GSM)
- Purna Bibhaktapada Janushirasana (Full Separate Legs Head to Knee Posture) (GSM)
- Dwi Pada Shirasana (Two Feet-Head Posture) (GSM)
- Omkarasana (Om Posture) (GSM)
- Makarasana (Crocodile/Spider Posture) [legs in Lotus, lie on belly] (GSM)
- Bakasana (Stork Posture) (GSM)
- Ardha Shirshasana (Half Headstand) (GSM)
- Likarasana/Purna Shalabhasana (Li Pose/Full Locust Posture) (GSM)
- Pranasana II (Life Posture) (GSM)
- Avayasana (Yielding Posture) (PSD)
- Brikkhasana (Tree Posture) [Foot against inside of opposite leg] (PSD)
- Supta Bhadrasana (Reclined Equilateral Triangle Posture) (PSD)
- Suryapranam/Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute) (PSD)
- Ardha Shalabhasana (Half Locust) (PSD)
- Uddiyana in Shavasana (PSD)
- Jastiasana (Stick Posture) (PSD)
- Noukasana (Boat Posture) (PSD)
Other notes:
In GSM's book, he describes Handstand (Hastasana) as another name for Palm Tree (Hasta Vrikshasana), which is simply Tree Posture done on the palms or hands. On Bikram's list they are two different postures, Palm Tree commonly done as Handstand with the head hanging straight down.
- Trikonasana [with deeply bent knee] (Triangle)
- 2nd part of Utkatasana on the toes (Chair)
- Dandayamana Dhanurasana (Standing Bow Posture)
- Bibhaktahasta Tuladandasana (Separate Arms Balancing Stick)
- Bakasana [with legs straight and forward] (Crane Posture)
- Purna Shalabhasana (Full Locust Posture) [on belly with arms out to the side]
- Dandayamana Purna Janushirasana (Standing Full Head to Knee Posture/Standing Splits)
- Ekapada Gokhilasana (One Leg Bowleg Posture)
- Deepada Gokhilasana (Two Legs Bowleg Posture)
- Gokhilasana Mayurasana (Bowleg Peacock Posture)
- Gokhilasana Parbatasana (Bowleg Mountain Posture)
- Purna Bhujangasana (Full Cobra Posture)
- Purna Dhanurasana (Full Bow Posture)
- Purna Ushtrasana (Full Camel Posture)
- Ekapada Mayurasana (One Leg Peacock Posture)
- Ekahasta Mayurasana (One Arm Peacock Posture)
- Urdhva Padma Hastasana (Upward Lotus in Handstand)
- Ekahasta Hastasana (One Hand Handstand)
Other notes:
In GSM's book, he describes Handstand (Hastasana) as another name for Palm Tree (Hasta Vrikshasana), which is simply Tree Posture done on the palms or hands. On Bikram's list they are two different postures, Palm Tree commonly done as Handstand with the head hanging straight down.